
مسكن عمر شفرة المنشار المختصر

عمر شفرة المنشار المختصر

Customer Feedback Summary

مندوب المبيعات: RAY WANG

قطر المادة: 90

مواصفات شفرة المنشار:

  • مقاس: 360×50×2.25+2.6×60T (H)
  • اسم المنتج: 8620RH
  • سرعة: 105
  • معدل التغذية لكل سن: 0.06
  • سرعة التغذية: 6.3

قضايا تعليقات العملاء

  1. Current Saw Blade Condition:

    • Compared to previous saw blades, the current blade’s performance is poor, with only half of its expected lifespan remaining.
    • The customer suspects the saw blade may not be the correct product, as the specifications do not match expectations.
  2. Machine Operating Conditions:

    • There is a significant increase in noise, and the saw blade generates more vibrations during cutting.
    • The customer reports material damage due to the “buzzing” sound when the blade contacts the metal.
    • The cooling system is insufficient, causing the blade to overheat and not work properly.
    • During cutting, the blade experiences jerky movements, leading to uneven cuts and material wastage.

حالة استخدام شفرة المنشار

الاستخدام السابق لشفرة المنشار:

  • The previous saw blade (model 6555JJ) was used for a total of 41.67 hours and performed well. It was replaced due to decreased cutting efficiency, with its lifespan approximately halfway through.
  • The current saw blade issues may be related to the equipment, as the customer states that the saw blade’s lifespan is also only half.

الحل المقترح

الإجراءات المتخذة:

  • Remove the existing damaged saw blade and inform the factory to carry out necessary equipment maintenance.
  • Suggest the customer checks the machine’s alignment and cooling system to prevent similar issues in the future.

الملخص والاستنتاج

Cutting Condition:

  • The saw blade’s cutting condition is normal; however, issues related to the equipment (such as misalignment or incorrect cutting parameters) are affecting the saw blade’s performance.
  • The main problem appears to be related to the equipment, not the saw blade itself.


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