Sales Representative: Zhang Wei
Material Diameter: 500mm
Saw Blade Specifications:
- Size: 350×3.2×25.4
- Product Name: Ceramic Coating
- Speed: 2800
- Feed Rate per Tooth: 0.08
- Feed Speed: 450
Customer Feedback Issues
Comparison with Source Blade:
- Compared with the original blade, the current blade shows more wear. On October 27th, a trial with blade 1832 was conducted, and the cutting output was large with more burrs.
Machine Operation Issues:
- The amount of material cut is small.
- The equipment has some faults.
Saw Blade Usage Situation
Previous Saw Blade Usage:
- The customer recorded the lifespan of the previous saw blade at around 4300 hours, and the blade was used on equipment with a cutting capacity between 5000 and 6000 blades.
- The saw blade was used in a high-powered cutting machine.
Current Saw Blade Usage:
- Attached is the current blade usage information.
Proposed Solution
Actions Taken:
- The machine is being adjusted, and new tooling and lubrication are being applied to improve cutting.
Summary and Conclusion
Cutting Status:
- The customer requested a new blade with a lifespan of over 4000 hours. This time, the customer is satisfied with the trial blade used.